SAPA-NE Event Agreement
Refund/Cancellation Policy | Terms and Conditions | Private Policy
All Attendants acknowledge that by attending, purchasing or being provided tickets for SAPA-NE events or activities, they have fully read this agreement, executed this agreement voluntarily and knowingly, and that this agreement is to be binding upon all Attendants (including but not limited to Ticket Holders, sponsors, volunteers or anyone present on the premise of events or activities), all members of Attendants’ party attending SAPA-NE events or activities, and all Attendants' heirs, executors, administrators and representatives.
Organizer: Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association, New England Chapter (SAPA-NE)
Specifically, the Attendants and Ticket Holders expressly agrees to the following terms and conditions:
• All sales are final and NO refund shall be issued for any reason.
• SAPA-NE Event Organizers are not liable, financially, personally, vicariously, or otherwise, for event cancellation, delay, change of schedule, interruption on inconvenience for a reasonable basis or due to circumstances beyond their control, e.g., inclement weather. For clarity, Attendant or Ticket Holder is not eligible for any refund in above circumstances.

last update: 2021/10/07

In consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants set forth herein and for other good and valuable consideration, including Ticket Holders’ participation in a SAPA-NE event, all Attendants, all members of Attendants’ party attending SAPA-NE events and activities, and all Attendants’ heirs, executors, administrators and representatives hereby agree:
I, the Attendant of SAPA-NE event and activity, individually and, where Attendant is under the age of 18, on behalf of my child, understand the risks inherent in participating in SAPA-NE activities and hereby assume all risks incident to such activities and, in consideration of acceptance of this Agreement, hereby waive and release the persons and/or entities conducting such activities (collectively, the “Organizers”), e.g., SAPA-NE and its event organizers, and/or owning the facilities where such activities are conducted from all present and future claims and liabilities of any kind, known or unknown, arising out of my participation in such activities or use of such facilities, even though such claim or liability may arise out of negligence or fault on the part of any of the foregoing. I hereby grant permission to the Organizers the non-exclusive, irrevocable, transferable, perpetual right and license to publish, print, display, record and use (by photograph, film, video, audio or any other method or device) my name, voice, image and likeness while at SAPA-NE events and/or activities, and to use such recordings for any purpose and in any medium now known or hereafter devised without remuneration to me and release Organizers from liability for any such uses, including claims for infringement of any privacy, publicity or other rights and other claims of any kind.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I, the Attendant of SAPA-NE event and activity, individually and, where Attendant is under the age of 18, on behalf of my child, shall assume the liability incurred in my attending an SAPA-NE activity. I acknowledge that I am physically fit for participating in the event. I assume all risks associated with participating in the event, including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, and food contamination, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. With knowledge of the risk involved, I hereby agree to accept any and all risks of injury or death. I have carefully read this agreement and understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between myself and the Organizers and sign it of my own free will.