[年会报道] 第26届SAPE-NE年会盛大召开,探索医药行业新纪元
Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association–New England/Boston
Since 1998 (始於1998 年)
[Report] 26th SAPE-NE Annual Conference - Pioneer a New Era of Pharmaceutical Industry with Innovation of Emerging Modalities
[Report] 25th SAPA-NE Annual ConferencePoised to Pivot: Build Resilience in a Challenging Market
[Report] Innovation to Improve Human Health in the Pandemic2021 SAPA NE & CT Joint Annual Conference
[Brochure] 2021 SAPA-NE and SAPA-CT Joint Annual Conference
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【年会报道】生物技术与生命科学的新纪元—第22 届新英格兰美中医药协会年会线上召开圆满落幕
[Report] 2021-01-23 SAPA-NE 22nd Annual Conference: A New Era in Biotech and Life Science
[Registration] 2021-01-23 SAPA-NE 22nd Annual Conference: A New Era in Biotech and Life Science
EY Seminar Promotion: Prepare for a Successful Biotech IPO (Free Online Event)
Road to IPO in Hong Kong (Free Online Event)
Face Shields By Teens (Sponsored by SAPA-NE)
2019-10-26 22nd SAPA-NE Scientific Symposium 【 3rd Gene Therapy Symposium】 Leap Forward to Cure
2019-06-08 SAPA-NE 21st Annual Conference: Deliver Optimal Medicines to All Patients
2019-02-16 The SAPA-NE Chinese New Year Celebration (2019)
2018-11-03 The 21st SAPA-NE Scientific Symposium
2018-06-02 难忘一刻:2018年SAPA-NE第20届新英格兰美中药协年会顺利召开!